These are big things that I realize I have no control over. And I don't like it. So yes, I guess I still battle with anxiety, even with meds. But, who wouldn't, or who doesn't, sometimes? So I went for a run. I am so very fortunate that I am still able to do this. Being sidelined for only nine days, because of knee pain, helped me to realize just how fortunate I am.
So I listened to Indigo Girls, Get Out the Map five times in a row.
When simple things like planning to go out to dinner with friends overwhelms you, you know it's time to clear you head, and try to take a step. Because any step towards anything, is better than doing nothing. At least for me.
Enough about my worrying. I was psyched that the next song that played while I was running, was Push It, by Salt-N-Pepa. It helped me to push the crappy anxiety away, as best I could.
Here's the song's disclaimer: This video is... well it's Salt-N-Pepa. In my opinion it's much less promiscuous than many of the videos of today, and it's a blast to listen to!
Holy crap. Jordan committed, like two minutes ago, to Arcadia University!!
Thank you.
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