Patience wasn't always (and still isn't) one of my strong points, although Zoloft has certainly helped in this department. :-) During this time in our lives, when Jordan was almost 14, there were times when I was really being pushed to my limits.
One particular day we had planned to take our annual holiday-card picture. All five of us painstakingly color-coordinated our outfits, we put the matching bandannas on the dogs, and four of us were making our way towards the fall foliage. This is about the time when Jordan refused to join us. She didn't like the way she looked. My written reaction to this might possibly be the best mom quote of the (2011) year. Are you ready for it? Boo Hoo.
Cringe. At least I didn't say it out loud.
I felt badly that she perceived herself in this way, I really did, but there were other people involved. News flash, there are other people in this world besides YOU. I patiently asked her if she would please do it for me, it would only take a few minutes... Did she? No.
So my sister-in-law's family, who were staying with us, got their holiday picture in front of our beautiful tree.
Jordan said she was overwhelmed, and having her cousins staying with us was too chaotic. Believe me, I totally got that, especially when there were four adults, five kids and five dogs all squished up in our house. But it was only a picture.
So we didn't get our picture taken for our card that day. The final thought written in this entry was: If medication would help with things like this, I would give it to her in a minute.
Thank you.
Us Too
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